The Vice Presidential Debate
The Vice Presidential Debate has ended and it was a debate. While Trump and Biden both would give an F for their performances, Pence and Harris pass. Since I brought up grading them, I give Harris an 8.5/10, a solid B and I give Pence a 7/10. a C-. (I'm using a 10 point scale, but on the other grading scale it would be a D).
Pence's biggest issue during the debate was his willingness to lie for Trump and if it was not for him lying and presenting falsehoods, then he would get at least an 8/10. BUT his constant lies and false equivalencies, worsened his performance.
Harris's biggest issue would be nothing, as I think she had a good performance and relied on truth and facts. There were moments where I noticed that Harris deflected, but that is somewhat to be expected with any politician.
Pence attempted to drawn a comparison between Covid-19 and swine flue, but guess what there is a vaccine for swine flue, also known as H1N1 Influenza. The same flu that struck in 1918, but we can deal with a a flue, but COVID-19 is not a flu, drawing an equivalency is foolhardy and downplays the sense of danger of COVID-19. It was in my opinion a poor move by Pence and will only appeal to Trump's base.
Pence also used the typical Republican attack against Democrats that Democrats what to raise your taxes. However, as Harris excellently replied, only those making more than $400,000 a year would one see tax increases. If anyone makes 6 figures, they are generally well off and taxes generally do not affect their lifestyle. And by making it 400K, only 100K short of half a million, those people can generally pay their taxes and not suffer financially. I myself makes less than that and I know I will not see my taxes increased and in the event I make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year someday, I promise to pay my taxes as is my civic and patriotic duty.
May I also say that the Republican attacking Democrats on taxes is getting tiresome and is a bit of a cliche. Especially when they misrepresent the facts. In general, Democrats like Biden and Harris only want to raise taxes on the rich, not the general American worker who make enough to make ends met and have some relaxation and if their lucky for savings and the occasional luxury.
There is some much more I could discuss, but I think this debate has been much more impactful than the first Presidential Debate. I myself do think Harris won the debate as evidence by the scores I gave them earlier. To reiterate Pence lied for Trump, proving that Pence is a yesman for Trump, which actually may make him more dangerous Trump because who else would Pence say yes to.
From my previous posts, you may have figured out where I stand on the election. Biden-Harris 2020. Vote. This debate I think proves how dangerous the Trump-Pence ticket is. Trump because of his poor record and him being unfit for the job. Pence because he is the same as Trump, but unassuming and a pushover.
Biden and Harris will fight for you, for all Americans, for all Americans who are down on their luck and put down by the system. Trump and Pence will only fight for their wealthy backers, the rich and powerful, and themselves. Think about this as you head to the polls.
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