2020 Presidential Election Prediction
I predict that Joe Biden will win in the 2020 Presidential Election. Based on historic trends, current trends and polls, and my own gut instinct. The only thing I'm unsure about is that Both Maine's and Nebraska's Second District goes to Biden. Even if I got those two wrong, Biden will still win. I personally don't think Iowa, Georgia, Ohio, or Texas will go to Biden/Democratic in this election, so I gave them to Trump. Below is my election prediction map.
You just saw how I think each state will vote, bit what about the margins. Well the following map will show them.
Now because I want to, the next map is the best case senario that would see a Trump victory based on current polls and trends.
The last prediction map I'm going to do is the best case senario that would see a Biden victory based on current polls and trends. This last map is in a way a realistic dream senario. This last senario does require Biden to flip Texas, however, even if Biden fails to flip Texas this senario would still be a good result for biden
This Concludes my Election Predictions with 3 senarios: The Best Outcome form both Canidates and the outcome I think will happen.
-Jonathan Berry
Update: in my Trump victory scenario, switch Wisconsin to Biden and Pennsylvania to Trump. More recent data indicates Trump is more likely to win the Keystone State than America's Dairyland.